Friday, October 7, 2011


I have completed my imovie ’11 essential training! The 3+ hour tutorial required a focused commitment. It was difficult to process the massive amount of information so I tried to chunk up the viewing and really take in as much as I could. There are many, many features about imovie that I will begin to explore now that I have a cursory understanding of them. The overwhelming realization that I received from watching the tutorial from start to finish was this, imovie is intuitive. As I was reaching for a pencil today the thought occurred to me, “how clever the concept of click and drag”.  I think it’s brilliant that Apple developed a movie production medium that allows you to reach out, grab and move things around with ease. Imovie is a rich, human-friendly software. It is a commonly available technology that brings amazing artistic expression within reach and enriches everyday life. I also appreciate the logic of imovie. While there are layers and layers of possibilities within the program, there is also a simplicity that just makes sense. I love that I can click and drag all kinds of things from so many sources and try them out, see how they feel, with no big risk. While making a professional looking video may still be a few attempts away, hey, it’s just a few attempts away! 

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