Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week 4 Wimba Blog Post

I was sorry to miss this Wimba session because I really enjoy the conversations related to the reading. In lieu of attending, I am posting my own responses to the questions posed to the live group.

How is The Art of Possibility different than The Power of Positive Thinking or Oprah’s “The Secret?”

This was a difficult question for me to answer because I’ve not read either of those books so it was good for me to read other’s responses to the question. It seemed that the key difference was that The Art of Possibility starts from a point of reality then expands that reality with the question, “Now what are you going to do?”

What were the most meaningful chapters for you? Why?

It is difficult for me to pick favorite chapters because all of the chapters are beneficial to me in different ways so I will have to choose a few chapters that are most relevant for me currently. I found chapters 3 & 6 very relevant to my current evolution. They are kind of related. Chapter 3 is “Giving an A” and Chapter 6 is “Rule Number 6/Don’t Take Yourself so Seriously”. There has been a lot of pressure on me this year to “make the numbers happen” that my campus needs to meet AYP (national standards). The pressure from administration has been relentless and it began before the students even arrived. Along with the need to meet national standards for funding, Texas introduced a new standardized test with impressive rigor that made meeting former standards extra fun. So this was an interesting year to undertake a graduate program! To be honest, I have just had my nose to the grindstone for 12 months. The process has taken it’s toll on my emotionally and even physically. I have questions with regard to the profession of education that will remain unanswered but knowing that I am nearing the end of this graduate program has created some room for a shift. I would not want to live my life like this and I’m glad that this season is coming to a close. It is time for me to lighten up and give myself an A. In moving forward, I hope that I am able to extend the same levity and encouragement to my students that the Zanders do in their work.

What things are you going to take from the reading and use in your teaching and life?

The Art of Possibility is very much in line with a general life philosophy that I have maintained and practiced for years. Even though I still consider myself a beginner, when Zander speaks of “a universe of possibility”, “creating space for possibilities to emerge”, “being the board” and “telling the WE story” these are aspects of the life I aspire to live, personally and professionally.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing and interacting with the archive.
